Friday, December 26, 2008

A new look for ceejaybags

On the 23rd, I made the decision to put my ceejaybags on vacation mode until January 5th, so I could devote some time to my beloved children. I truly believe it was the best idea I've had in a while. I felt as if Iwas in a whirlwind, with a new job, the holiday rush, and a busy Etsy shop all pulling me in different directions. All I really wanted was to stop, relax and spend time with my kids.
Being away from the shop (and the constant promoting, tweeting, etc. that goes along with it) doesn't mean I'm not thinking about ceejaybags! Just the opposite, in fact. I'm working on some great new bag designs, and also thinking about a look for my shop and blog. I'm looking for a graphic designer who can help me create a recognizable "brand" for my business, and I'll hopefully be able to have everything ready before I open back up in January. I have an idea of what I want, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about getting it! I've been doing some research, and reading lots of blog posts on the topic, but I'm still not sure. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Wish me luck!


shweetpotato said...

Hi Ceejay :D I didnt know you had a blog :D Yayy, talk soon, Carm

Terri Pezzullo - Handmade said...

I hope you are enjoying your (time off) with your family. I'm sure what every you come up with will be just great!

Krystal said...

did you find someone to work with? You do realize your fearless Team leader is a graphic designer by day, right? :)

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